Friday, May 31, 2013

Yoga Challenge with Grow Soul Beautiful - June 2013

Welcome to the June Yoga Instagram Challenge. I am so happy to be partnering with Grow Soul Beautiful as I did their challenge back in October 2012 and simply adore Yoga!

For your chance to win a Yoga Bible book and $10 iTunes gift card please leave a comment below with the way Yoga makes you feel. 

June Instagram Challenge
How you can join:
  • Follow @GrowSoulBeautiful on Instagram -  They will be posting a daily reminder photo of each pose on Instagram as well as all the photos on Facebook.
  • Save the graphic above to your phone or computer for easy access- Grab a quick photo with your phone or right-click on the photo to save to your computer
  • Each day, snap a photo of yourself in the asana - Use an app with a timer to make it a self-portrait or grab a buddy to double the fun
  • Tag them in your caption!  Tag @GrowSoulBeautiful and add the hashtag #YogaADay
  • Connect with others- search for the #YogaaDay hashtag to find others having fun with yoga photography
  • This year, they are adding their #YearOfYoga poses to their Instagram challenges! To learn more about Year of Yoga, go here.

Close ups of the daily challenge graphics are posted here so you can plan ahead.

June Yoga Day 1June Yoga Day 2June Yoga Day 3June Yoga Day 4June Yoga Day 5June Yoga Day 6June Yoga Day 7June Yoga Day 8June Yoga Day 9June Yoga Day 10June Yoga Day 11June Yoga Day 12June Yoga Day 13June Yoga Day 14June Yoga Day 15June Yoga Day 16June Yoga Day 17June Yoga Day 18June Yoga Day 19June Yoga Day 20June Yoga Day 21June Yoga Day 22June Yoga Day 23June Yoga Day 24June Yoga Day 25June Yoga Day 26June Yoga Day 27June Yoga Day 28June Yoga Day 29June Yoga Day 30

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Regional WOD #4

For time:

100 Wallballs (20/14)
100 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
100 Pistols, alternating legs
100 Single Arm Dumbell Snatches (70/50)

Attack like a lone wolf, or split the work down the middle with a partner.

Leah and Candice crushing the dumbell snatches!

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Eat, Sleep, Work, Work Out

My days pretty much consist of these four things (with a little bit of Tumblr and Netflix thrown in). I have been so good about working out (except I took a break yesterday...)! Monday I did the first of day of Couch to 5K,  Tuesday was body pump and despite my incredible soreness I dragged myself to the gym Wednesday and did day two of Couch to 5K. The thing I really like about "learning" to run with the Couch to 5K program is that it really helps me work on my technique because I run at relatively slow pace for short amounts of time. Every other time I've started running I would just run as long as I could until I got tired (which was usually about 5 minutes...) and then every day I would add an extra minute. Of course when you start getting tired your form gets really sloppy. Now (well these past two times + the time I made it three weeks into the program) I run with my back straight and my eyes ahead (not with my head looking down), relaxed shoulders, relaxed hands and my abs tight. Couch to 5K app is also awesome because it tells you when to run and when to walk so you don't have to watch the clock (especially when you're running outside) and when I wear it in my arm band it tracks my pace and how far I go (I don't know how it does that...). It also lets you rate each run and add a few notes to keep track. Running Wednesday was SO much easier than when I ran I on Monday. I felt really good despite being super sore. My knees kept locking while I was walking and I swear I thought that I was going to fall of the treadmill but I pressed on and guess what? by yesterday afternoon I was much, much less sore and practically walking like a normal person. Also walking in heels and being one sore mo' fo' makes you look like you're walking like John Wayne/you pooped your pants. Not a good look which is unfortunate for me because I plan on being sore all summer since I'll be working out so much!

I'm still staying strong on my veganism! Is it sad that I've surprised myself by doing this? because I have almost zero willpower... I've been eating very clean and I even survived another trip eating out! I went to Thai food with one of my best friends and had the Panang Curry with tofu on crunchy noodles and vegetarian spring rolls. Unfortunately for me the curry was SO SO spicy I could barely eat half of it and I was conflicted because it was incredibly delicious but at the same time it made me feel like my mouth was a firey inferno, even my lips were hurting! The spring rolls were great though! I've been staying at my WW points or under all week, which is awesome! I've been sticking with my same smoothies but this morning I made something even better!    

Very Cherry Smoothie
1 cup of Spinach
1 Apple (peeled and chopped)
     1/4 Cucumber (peeled and chopped)
1 cup Berry-Cherry frozen fruit
8 ounces Coconut water
1 Banana 

I woke this morning with a horrible stomach ache! My tummy was really bothering me yesterday and a little bit on Tuesday. I didn't work out yesterday because I didn't eat or drink enough during the day (plus my tummy was icky) and I knew that I'd get sick at body pump if I had gone. Also note to self pre-existing gastric distress coupled with Thai food was probably not a good call... I got up at 4:00 am to go to work this morning but my stomach was still so upset that I decided stay at home until it settled! So that means I'm going to have to come in tomorrow but it is what it is. The worst part about feeling icky and not going into work is that I already got up early so I would rather be at work than sitting at home! Anyways, back to smoothies! I've heard that cherry smoothies taste excellent with some chocolate chips thrown in to satisfy a sweet tooth. I think that if I did I wouldn't add the cucumber which gives it a cool cucumber taste and I don't think that would pair well with chocolate. Fortunately for me eating all this fruit has gotten rid of my craving for processed sugar. Now, I'm going to lay down with a heating pack on my tummy and do a little tummy massage (that might be tmi... but whatever!) which always makes it feel better, then it's off to the office for me! 

Have a fabulous Friday everyone! 

~ Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace. ~
Albert Schweitzer 

*Not my picture :) 
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Thursday, May 30, 2013


Three 5min AMRAPs, rest one minute between rounds.

First AMRAP: KB swings/Front Squat with KB

Second AMRAP: Overhead walking lunge with plate/Butterfly sit-up

Third AMRAP: Toes to Bar, Box Jump

Ascending Rep Scheme: 1 and 1, 2 and 2, 3 and 3, etc.

Score is highest completed number of both movements.
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Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Every Wednesday is work on goals day!:)
Progressions in order to accomplish or further reach a goal
Each athlete set for themselves.

For time:
30 squat jumps
15 push ups
30 box jumps
15 push ups
30 squats
15 push ups
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Lorna Jane and MOVE NOURISH BELIEVE BLOG interview ME :-)

How thrilled was I to feature on "A Day In The Life Of Dani Stevens" on the Move Nourish Believe blog last week.

Really excited.

Here's just a snap shot!

6-7am: Typically I will either do my workouts before my husband leaves for work or while one of our daughters is asleep.
day-in-the-life-of-dani-stevens_038-9am: Breakfast and the kids morning routine + my green raspberry smoothie on the go!
Raspberry Smoothie Recipe:
  • 1 cup of spinach 
  • 1 scoop of 180 Nutrition coconut protein powder
  • 1 cup frozen berries 
  • Handful of walnuts
  • Drizzle of honey
  • Yogurt or splash milk until you get your preferred consistency
  • Blend away this amaze-ness on-the-go smoothie!
day-in-the-life-of-dani-stevens_0412-1pm: It’s lunch time… for me it is toast, poached eggs & asparagus – YUM!
Strawberry & Orange Muffin Recipe: 
  • 2 1/4 cups wholemeal flour
  • 1/4 cup honey or your choice of natural sweetener 
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 1/3 cup macadamia (or your preference) oil
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/4 cup orange juice
  • Zest of one orange
  • 1 1/2 cups fresh strawberries, chopped
  • Preheat oven 180C degrees
  • Coat strawberries in flour.
  • Whisk wet ingredients together with baking powder & soda.
  • Add wet mixture with dry & mix to blend.
  • Pour in muffin tray liners
  • Bake until cooked. Approx. 20mins.   
day-in-the-life-of-dani-stevens_052-3pm: Fun times with Mietta and Zali as we play princesses.
day-in-the-life-of-dani-stevens_063-4pm: School pick up, snack time & bike ride with the kids.
day-in-the-life-of-dani-stevens_075-6pm: Prep and cook dinner, tonight is turkey balls with herbs.
6-7pm: Adrian helps out with bed time routine as I train for my bike ride and stretch afterwards.

Super thrilled to be chosen to share my mnb lifestyle with like minded women. For more info you can read all about here.

Lorna Jane is one inspirational woman and we both share the same philosophy. Through her 3 pillars of Move, Nourish and Believe this is fundamentally what my journey is all about. It is why I blog my story to share with people across the world. Lorna's book (same title as the blog) is an amazing read, which a dear friend of mine Meg sent me recently. Thank you Meg x

I hope one day, I can meet both these beautiful woman who inspire me daily.

How do you Move, Nourish and Believe on a daily basis and do you think dreams come true?

Happy Thursday everyone!


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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday's the new Monday...

...when you have Mondays off... and I hate Mondays! Work was insane! I decided that since I only eat fresh now I basically I have to make all my food the morning before I go to work. Smoothies hold okay over night but I'd rather drink it fresh! Since I stupidly decided not to wash my hair last night while I showered it took me almost and hour and a half to get ready for work! The smoothie I made today was not a winner... nope, definitely not. It took me most of my morning to choke it down... I'm not proud. I just mixed too many different fruits together (and vegetables). Thank god I also had half an english muffin with peanut butter! Of course on this day of icky smoothies I made enough for two because I wanted to drink half of it at work... I brought that for lunch along with baby carrots, three rice cakes, some tortilla chips and some sliced up avocado tossed with cherry tomatoes then sprinkled it with salt and pepper. My plan was to eat my little "salad" on top of the rice cakes but then I realized that would have been really messy! I wasn't very hungry at lunch for some reason so I only ate one of the rice cakes with my salad and some chips and salsa. By the time I had to go to my workout class in the afternoon I was starving but I didn't want to eat something heavy or high in sugar (fruit) so I had a rice cake. You can't get sick off of a rice cake!

Body pump was INSANE! It was such a good workout! I got all of my squats in and my arm work out! As well as my crunches! I had wanted to walk on the treadmill for at least a half an hour but by the time I got done it was getting late and my phone was dying and I didn't have my headphones, and, and, and but I did walk for 10 minutes to loosen up my muscles! I need to better manage my schedule so that I can fit in my yoga DVD! Eventually I'd like to get to a point where I do it before work. I think that means I'll have to do my hair routine at night... Wow! This is a really exciting post huh? For dinner I'm going to heat up some rice and shrimp. This is still going to leave me with 3 extra points! I'm tempted to have a little bit of wine but we'll see! Through Weight Watchers, clean eating and working out I know that by this time next year I'll lose 60lbs! 

Now time to get off of my big booty and make some dinner! (and then sleep... because I live a dangerous life)

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10 thrusters (65/95)
15 bar facing burpees
20 thrusters
25 bar facing burpees
30 thrusters
35 bar facing burpees
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Weight loss story - Transformation Tuesday with Eli Sapharti

You know how much you all inspire me, some of you send me daily messages that I inspire you. It's all a circle of love and for that I am truly humbled and I absolutely love what I do.

This next story will blow your mind. A dear new friend of mine, who I only just recently met, has ONE inspiring and amazing journey. He has recently launched his first book "One Step At A Time" and has been kind enough to offer one as a giveaway to one of my lucky readers.

Let me introduce you to this gorgeous man Eli.......


1. How old are you and please can you share your health and fitness journey to date? 
In August I will be 44 yr old. 

My name is Eli Sapharti, aka FAT Boy FIT Man. Five years ago I weighed in at almost 140kg (300 pounds) and suffered with many ailments associated with obesity including high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, severe anxiety and depression. I suffered with obesity much of my life and as many of us that have battled with being overweight, tried almost every diet in existence and even "joined" the gym quite a few times, which is not the same as GOING
to the gym and actually exercising.

After many failed attempts at these, in 2008 I had an epiphany while traveling on business. I was at the airport in Miami and before boarding my flight, I went to buy a bottle of water. The clerk at the kiosk, a cute girl, said to me "You're really good looking for a BIG guy." Most obese guys would have taken that as a compliment. All I heard was "You're FAT!".
The entire trip I kept hearing her voice saying "You're FAT! You're FAT!" I was disgusted with myself. It's not like I didn't know I was fat before, but at that moment it just HIT me!

As I thought about all my previous failed attempts is when I got my epiphany and realized that "dieting" and impulsive joining of a gym didn't work and was not going to work....EVER! That is when I decided to make 2 small changes to start to improve my life. First thing I committed to was walking for 15 minutes EVERYDAY. And I also committed to stop drinking the 2 litres of regular soda I was accustomed to drinking everyday for at least 1 week. At the end of that week, with just those 2 changes, I lost 2 pounds. I was ecstatic! 2 pounds lost with just these "small" changes? WOW! This is how I came up with my "One Step at a Time" approach to weight loss success.

I am now a FIT 81kg (180 pounds). My walking 15 minutes has turned to running half marathons at a respectable 1:44 finish time, I have transformed my body from obese and sick to fit and healthy. But the most important change for me has been that I have found my passion in helping to inspire, motivate and help others achieve their own weight loss success. 

"One Step at a Time" through my weight loss coaching and my motivational speaking. I have recently published a book that will be officially released on June 2, 2013, but it is already available on and  "From Fat Boy to Fit Man-A One Step at a Time- Story of Success"  It is my wish that those who read the book will find inspiration, motivation, hope and most of all they should know that they are not alone in their journey to a healthier life.

2. What types of foods did you used to eat as a kid and young adult?
I didn't reach a body weight of almost 300 lbs from eating vegetables and fruits.  As a child AND as an adult I ate everything from sugary cereals, potato chips, LOTS of pasta with LOTS of cheese, french fries, fast foods, A LOT of bread, ICE CREAM (My kryptonite even until today) and the worst thing in my old way of eating has to be the 2 liters of regular SUGARY soda (soft drinks) that I would have DAILY!  YUCK!

-What has changed since then?
SO much has changed from 5 years ago!  I slowly started making changes "One Step at a Time" in 2008 that has lead me to a much more conscious way of eating.  I most definitely do NOT drink any soda anymore, I do NOT eat fast foods and I am careful about my sugar intake.  Everything else, I enjoy in moderation and only OCCASIONALLY.   

3. Do you play any sports or what sports do you like watching?
I love watching NBA basketball.  GO MIAMI HEAT!  As far as practicing a sport, I am an avid runner with MANY 5K, 10K and Half Marathons under my belt.  I am currently training to run my first FULL Marathon!

- favourite workout?
Besides running, I also weight train at the gym.  I am a firm believer that weight/resistance training is VERY important in order to burn fat and build muscle tone.  Many folks make the mistake of doing ONLY cardio and although they lose weight, they do not necessarily lose fat.  My favorite body parts to work out are my chest, biceps and shoulders.  

4. What are your interests, passion and what makes you smile?
I have varied interests, ranging from outdoor activities to wine tastings, but my passion lies in being able to help others realize their potential to succeed through my coaching and public speaking.  It makes me smile BIG when I receive a message, a call or an email from someone telling me how I have helped to guide them towards a new healthier life.
But the thing that makes me smile the BIGGEST are my 3 amazing children!  They bring so much pride and joy to my life!

5. What was the catalyst that sparked your lifestyle change?
In 2008, I had what many people call an epiphany of sorts.  I relate the entire story in detail in my book.  (I'd hate to ruin it for those who haven't read it yet)  :-)

6. What are some of your dreams/goals you hope to achieve over the next 12 months?
My dream is to see people changing their lives and getting healthier and happier with themselves.  I dream to help end  the obesity epidemic worldwide.  
In the nest 12 months I look forward to traveling to promote my book and spread my message of hope and inspiration through my speaking and teaching of the "One Step at a Time" approach to weight loss and fitness.

7. What tips would you like to share with my readers about your transformation?
There are MANY tips I could share, but I would have to say that the most important thing in order to succeed at weight loss and fitness is to break down the seemingly impossible into possibilities.  Do not take an ALL or NOTHING approach, instead take things "One Step at a Time".  The famous Buddhist philosopher Lao Tzu said it best with this quote: "The journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step." 

Eli is one man that I have connected with on a fitfam level and I look forward to getting to know him even better. If you wish to connect with Eli, buy his book and continue to follow his journey, click below;

Twitter: FatBoyFitMan
Instagram: elisapharti
Here's a link to a short 4 minute video that YOU WILL find totally inspiring:

Thank you once again Eli for sharing your story with us and I can't wait to read your book!For your chance to win Eli's book, simply leave a comment below based on what changes you made or are making to improve your lifestyle?


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Monday, May 27, 2013

Deadlifts and Helen

Warm up: find max deadlift

WOD: Helen
          3 rounds

        Run 400 meters
         21 kettle bell swings. 1.5 pood
        12 pull ups
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Work it Out!

So I made a very intense work out plan for the next nine weeks! I figured since all I do is work and make smoothies I might as well get into the best shape of my life! I chose 9 weeks because that's how long the Couch to 5K program is that I'm doing. On the weekends and days off I plan to do two-a-days becausem um... why not!

Today's work out was:
(Workout 1)

  • Couch to 5K - Day 1, Week 1
  • 30 min. Power Walk
  • 20 jumping jacks, 10 crunches
  • Tone It Up abs'
  • 20 sec. plank
  • 50 squats
  • Shiva Rea yoga DVD (segment 1)
(Workout 2)
  • 1 hour walk outside
  • Yoga DVD (second segment)

Yes, this was a little ambitious. Believe me after the Couch to 5K, 30 min power walk, jumping jacks, crunches, plank, and squats I was SO exhausted! I was also regretting wasting HALF OF THE DAY waiting for the damn cable guy to show up and fix my internet but did he show? Nooooooo! Granted I could have been doing the yoga DVD or Tone It Up.... but I didn't. So let's just say that next weekend I start my day out with workout 2 and abs then do the rest in the afternoon. I think that's a good plan. 

Tomorrow I have the following on the schedule...
  • Body Pump from 5:30 to 6:25
  • 1 hour walk (after body pump) 
  • 30 jumping jacks (before work)
  • 15 crunches (before work)
  • Tone It Up arms (after body pump... or before... who knows!)
  • 55 squats (throughout the day) 
  • 25 sec. plank (before work)
  • Yoga video (before bed) 
I also did a little grocery shopping today, I wanted to post a pic but not with my crappy camera!
Here's what I got:
  • Spinach
  • Nectarines
  • Peaches
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Oranges
  • Frozen pineapple
  • Frozen raspberries
  • Frozen blackberries
  • Frozen strawberries
  • Frozen blueberries
  • and Shape magazine 
Today my intake was not nearly enough! For breakfast I had a delicious smoothie and half of an english muffin with peanut butter. I got pretty hungry for a snack this afternoon so I had some roasted almonds and a peach before my workout. For dinner I plan on eating the second half of that smoothie (I made WAY to much) and another english muffin (whole this time, I need those calories!). If I wasn't so pooped I would make a real dinner. You're probably wondering why I don't go ahead an finish my workout and well it's because I'm working 5 to 3:30 all week this week so that means I'll be getting up at 3:30... am... :( So I plan on being asleep by 9 (and that's late for me!). Thankfully falling to sleep will be no problem! 
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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday Funday!

What's it like to have a day without homework due the next day or work to get up early for? Well, let me tell you! It's incredibly uneventful and I loved it! Sure I've spent many a Sunday doing nothing, laying around bra-less watching Lord of the Rings (it's one of the few movies I own) and surfing the internet but unlike all those times today I didn't have the crushing guilt of school work on my shoulders! It was fabulous! I spent the better part of the day trying to decide when to nap (big decisions I know) but I called the whole thing off and went to visit a friend! After running a few random errands with her I was totally exhausted!! I think that having a migraine yesterday really set me back energy wise! What better way to try to get some energy than by making a quick dinner and watching some Arrested Development (season 4 came out today)!!!! For dinner I was feeling SUPER lazy (surprise, surprise) so I heated up some Trader Joe's frozen steamed brown rice and mixed one and a half cups of that (8 points) with some shrimp that grilled with garlic salt, onion powder, salt and pepper (12 shrimp - 2 points). I stirred the rice and shrimp together in a bowl and there ya go an easy dinner! I planned on making a smoothie so I could add some more greens to my intake today but I'm probably going to go to bed soon since I have to be at 8 to maybe possibly have to let the cable company in to set up my internet, they gave me a nice convenient four hour window. Yup, I've never felt more like an adult. 

Have a good night bloggies!
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Tropic Thunder and Purple Power

Those are the very creative names of two new smoothies! I didn't realize how fitting 'Tropic Thunder' would be but then I looked outside of my window and there happened to be A LOT of rain. Now I don't if ya'll heard but San Antonio got a just a little bit of rain yesterday... well maybe more than a little bit... This photo 
was taken just a few miles from my house and yes, that flood gauge does say 10 ft. Most of the freeways were closed, on ramps were being used as off ramps, and general chaos ensued. Thankfully I live towards the top of street that sits on a slight hill so most of the rain drained away from me and I'm above a garage so I didn't really worry about my place flooding.  You're probably thinking that I stayed in my house the rest of the day, unable to leave, well, that would be incorrect. I managed to leave and meet a friend for lunch at Panera because facing the floods for Panera sounds so sane. I also needed to run a few errands so my trek was not in vain! Coincidentally, this was my first time eating out since I decided to go vegan and I was a little worried I wouldn't be able to resist the temptation of a tasty panini with cheesey goodness but I did!  Weight Watchers taught me about resisting temptation and eating right when going out by looking at the menu online before hand so that you've already made the commitment to eating something healthy before you get there! I'm actually not a huge fan of Panera but it was close to where I had to run errands and close to my friend's apartment. I got the Greek salad without cheese and I was surprised to see that the Greek dressing didn't have any dairy so yay! Unfortunately the dressing was 6 friggin' points! When I grocery shop alone I spend a lot of time wandering around and I really think about my purchases but when I'm with someone else I'm kind of like a chicken with its head cut off and I buy whatever. I only bought a few things, some vegetables and my favorite dry shampoo ever!! I also picked up Ritz chips, which are delicious, but I had no idea about the points value per serving and all that jazz. Of course when I got home I dipped right in to those delicious things and ate way to many before I had even calculated the points! So after I had eaten half of the bag I realized I had also eaten half of my points for the day... It's nice that even when I have two points left I have a really filling meal and not go over and that's where Tropic Thunder saved the day! (and no, I have never seen the movie) 

Tropic Thunder Smoothie 
2.5 cups of Spinach
1 Apple (peeled and chopped)
1 Banana
1 cup of frozen Pineapple chunks
1 cup of frozen Mango chunks
8 ounces Coconut water 

Purple Power Smoothie
2 1/2 cups of Spinach
1/2 Cucumber (peeled and chopped)
1 Banana
1 cup of frozen Mixed Berries
1 cup of frozen Blueberries
1 tablespoon Chia seeds 

Now, I'm sure that ya'll noticed yesterday that my camera phone is no longer producing the highest quality photos. The lens is scratched so my pictures all look like I'm taking them through a dirty window. That being said the two pictures of smoothies pictured above are not my own but I did pick pictures that showed drinks the exact same color and texture of my smoothies but I bet these pics are a lot easier to look at! So until I find my camera ya'll are going to have to get used to fuzzy pictures and a few borrowed ones.

I ALWAYS put an apple and a banana into every smoothie I make so imagine my surprise when I cut open an apple this morning that was totally rotten inside!! It's off to the store today to grab some more apples, some more spinach, and a few oranges (I want to toss an orange into my next smoothie and see how it goes)! I also need to buy a few free weights (3lbs and 5lbs) for next week's workout plan. It's time to tone these guns! Have a fabulous Sunday!

Next post... workout plans!

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Richard Branson will you ride with us to conquer cancer?

I need everyone's support.
Please LIKE this Facebook picture

Please like this picture HERE

Hello everyone, you may remember my post HERE about my surprise photo shoot? My lovely friends at Lorna Jane were super kind to let me wear their active gear for a photo shoot I was doing for Richard Branson.

I have signed up for something very amazing. Yes. It's truly amazing. I am riding with thousands of cyclists to conquer cancer once and for all.

Our sensational captain Klaus Bartosch along with other phenomenal cyclists are called THE VISION CRUSADERS. We are attempting something that has never been done before. We are all dreamers and I have been told I can't do this but you know what? I WILL DO THIS!!!! 200kms, 6 races nationwide (and New Zealand) and per person we need $2,500 per ride to enter the fundraiser. I will do Every. Single. Ride. The Grand Slam and need your support as I start my campaign.

Here they all are!!!!

Rides to be Completed and seeking sponsorship:

(click on links for details or to donate)

Ride to Conquer Cancer (Brisbane) August 17-18*
Ride to Conquer Cancer (Perth) October 19-20
Ride to Conquer Cancer (Melbourne) October 26-27
Ride to Conquer Cancer (Auckland) November 17-18

To sponsor my final ride in Adelaide November 30th & December 1 CLICK HERE

So what's this cycling stuff really all about? Well here is a letter to the amazing man himself who inspired me as a young adult "Whatever business you are in, every company can shoot for the stars in their own way".

Sir Richard Branson will you come ride with us?

So here's me shooting for the highest star out there.....

Dear Sir Richard

My name is Daniela and I'm a fitness blogger based in Australia. My blog is only young and I've 80,000 people following me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest. I love that my food and fitness challenges are inspiring others worldwide to make great changes in their lives, much like reading your Screw it, Let's Do it did for me 7 years ago. Thank you!

Currently I'm involved in a massively exciting campaign to fight cancer, a cause I have great passion for. I've joined with an amazing team of cyclists - all ordinary people, some cancer survivors - and we are riding to rid the world of Cancer. It's a big and bold goal but our team is determined to make a difference through completing all 6 of the Ride to Conquer Cancer events being held across Australia and in New Zealand this year.

Our team -  Vision Crusaders Grand Slam - will ride in all 6 of the RTCC events this year which will mean more than 1200km,  pedaling over 12 days through August to November. Each rider has to raise at least $15,000 plus cover their travel costs, and to date there are 27 riders wanting to ride in the Grand Slam team. There's expected to be total of around 12,000 cyclists participate across the 6 rides. Awesome, don't you think?

During your visit here in Australia, I'm hoping that you might help us do what could become your biggest achievement yet, helping to rid the world of cancer! Can you imagine how wonderful a world with out cancer would be!

Completing the RTCC Grand Slam is a massive challenge and we already have some Virgin brands supporting us, but knowing that you are personally contributing your interest would ensure that we actually pull it off. Primarily what I am asking is to have your encouragement but cheekily this is an invitation to have you join us for one or all of these rides as a member of our Vision Crusaders Grand Slam team. Are you keen?

I do hope that this is something you might consider and I look forward to hearing from you.

Much love and friendship from Australia,
Daniela Stevens 

Thank you for your time my beautiful friends. Please LIKE this page and picture. I want to reach 1 million likes and make a YouTube video to follow up with this picture to Sir Richard Branson.

Please like our Facebook Book page Vision Crusaders Grand Slam


PS: for those wondering why I am doing this? I don't want to be a statistic. I have had family members die and thankfully others survived. I need you to help me so we can raise as much ridiculous funds to conquer cancer once and for all. For those reading this and know of any sponsors that would love to personally sponsor me, please email me with the subject title: CHARITY SPONSORSHIP. I will love you FOREVER!!!!

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