Maximizing Benefit

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Today was Day II of new academic session. We told ourselves that we shall be maximizing benefit of this program by following the exercise in proper sequence. That is, we shall start with warm up, then exercise, then game (if possible), then de-stretching which ends the session. If we join late and suddenly start participating without following the sequence, it may not be helpful. Also, the small fraction of us who join late, disturb the proceeding and cause inconvenience to fellow students. It becomes a part of our habit and spills over to other segments of our lives.

We are taking steps to discourage late-coming. As one of the concerned student member of the team rightly said in the mail sent to us, "... is not stopped we can never be able to gain an ordered atmosphere in our NSO classes and such people will continue coming late causing disturbance and inconvenience to all." We shall work together as a team and assure ourselves to bring the best out of us which will help us as individual as well as as team.

Well, the above shows that we had been relatively more serious today! But that did not stop us practising one exercise that doubles up as self-defence :-) towards the end of work out. This was taught to us last semester. The student leader again explained it today beautifully and we all practised the same.

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